I love the fall. I love decorating for Halloween. While not a fan of slasher movies, I love little goblins, ghosts, witches, and warlocks.
For a child, Halloween can be scary. That's one of the reasons I wrote Jazzy's Halloween. It is a great way to introduce scary-looking characters in a fun way. Not only that, the text is based on a song I wrote. You can read (lyrics below) and sing along with the soundtrack I made.
So, if you purchase, or have purchased, Jazzy's Halloween, send me a note and I'll email you the book as a coloring book. Below the music are two sample pages.
Jazzy's Halloween - A Night in Ghouling Brook is on sale https://www.amazon.com/Jazzys-Halloween-Night-Ghouling-Brook/dp/1733366377