I read a few stories to three and four-year old's at the Gadsden Library today. I had so much fun and the children seemed happy. The librarian, Hanna Gray, gifted me a beautiful game of pin the tail on Jazzy. It was so much fun watching the little ones play. I will use it with every story hour I participate in.

Jazzy had a long break but we are finally in production mode. Counting with Jazzy is almost complete. I am joined by two friends, Rosa Rodriguez and Meerimai Wolfe who are translating the text into Spanish and Kyrgyz.
Here are a few images from the book.
Besides putting this new book together, I've been busy reformatting ABC Jazzy and Little Red Jazzyhood. Check them out on Amazon. (Sorry, ABC will be available in two days.)
Meerimai is also translating Little Red Jazzyhood. That project is nearing completion as well.
Any ideas what other Jazzy books I should produce. Perhaps Jazzy's Jobs? ha ha ha.